There are many reasons for an organisation to refresh
metadata daily in Hyperion Planning and now a days you will generally have at
least 1-2 hierarchies which could have 1000s of members. Not to mention if
there are alternate hierarchies with shared members then outline load utility
might take a while to delete and reload hierarchies.
There was a situation where my client had very tight
schedule within which all the hierarchies needed to be reloaded and we were not
able to fit that due to the source system’s variations in delivering the files.
So to resolve this issue and/or reduce the impact, it was
decided to check every hierarchy whether there is any change compared to
previous day’s file. If change exits then load it else skip and go to next.
This was achieved by using Windows FileCompare utility and worked quiet well.
Following is the extract from the file which calls outline
load utility to load hierarchies one after another.
SET DimName=Account
SET InputFileName=%DimName%_dim.csv
SET LoadLogFile=FC_%DimName%_Load.log
D:\script\Custom_FileCompare %InputFileName% %LoadLogFile%
%CUSTOM_RESULT% EQU 0 goto :LOAD_Another
SET LoadLogFile=%LogFilePath%\%DimName%_Load.log
SET LoadExceptionFile=%LogFilePath%\%DimName%_Load.err
CALL Outlineload -f:%PasswordPath% /A:%App% /U:%UserName%
/I:%DimFilePath%\%InputFileName% /D:%DimName% /L:%LoadLogFile% /X:%LoadExceptionFile%
Other Code goes here...
In the following file “PreFilePath” is the path where
previous day’s file(s) are placed while “DimFilePath” points to current or latest
file which shall be loaded based on comparison.
SET CompFileName=%~1
SET FCLogFileName=%~2
SET File1=%PreFilePath%\%CompFileName%
SET File2=%DimFilePath%\%CompFileName%
FC %File1% %File2% > %LogFilePath%\%FCLogFileName%
if %CUSTOM_RESULT% EQU 0 ECHO Same files. Ignore this
hierarchy load.